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民間與學術合作,台灣自製載人潛艇,預計5年後下水 國立中山大學、國研院台灣海洋科技研究中心、國防大學理工學院、中信造船及台船,合作進行「研水下載人載具開發聯盟」,成為台灣自福衛5號計畫後,另一個內...

The #Rolex Deepsea owes its exceptional strength, waterproofness and pressure resistance to the exclusive Ringlock System. This innovative case architecture patented by Rolex enables the watch to resist the massive pressure exerted by water at the depth of 3,900 metres (12,800 feet), equivalent to a weight of approximately four tonnes on the watch. A high-performance nitrogen-alloyed stainless steel ring serves as the backbone of this system: placed in the middle of the watch, it bears all the pressure exerted by water on the 5.5 mm thick crystal and the titanium case back. on.rolex.com/Deepsea-Ringlock-System

The #Rolex Deepsea owes its exceptional strength, ...