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[Friendship] Me and my thin, cute, creepy friends (in this specific order). . This is exactly what we do whenever we see reflective surfaces😂. We do not let any chances to take a group pic slide! . Now let me do the honour in introducing you my crew! . (Drumroll.............) . . @jamila_mapi2019 : A 172cm talk girl who weighs less than 50kg (scream). Looks so chic after she had her hair cut short. Definitely material for high fashion model. She has the kindest heart and warmest words when you needed them. Great personality! . @vicby_mapi2019 : Youngest of us all! The way she talks, walks, poses is too cute to be true because of her innocence. She would pour her heart out for you as she has the most pure heart. Amazing girl. . @belle_mapi2019: Looks creepy af in this pic but trust me she is HI-LA-RI-OUS! Definitely has a strong sense of leadership and takes no BS. Strong character! LOVE IT. . Please check their pages out and go support them! SHOW SOME LOVE! . Don’t everybody just deserve some love? They definitely do!! . . . [閨蜜篇] 我和我的小夥伴們看到反射平面時的自然反射性動作—自拍! . 等我黎介紹一下呢班美女啦! . @jamila_mapi2019 :身高直達172 cm,體重卻只有少於50公斤的高級時尚模特兒。為了這比賽剪短髮後馬上變得更加時尚!品性善良,關懷備至,係居家必備嘅良藥。 . @vicby_mapi2019 : 被譽為 “自認青春無敵” 嘅18歲小妹妹。一開始會比較慢熱,但熟絡後便會知道她是個真誠,可愛,平易近人,值得交往的好女孩。 . @belle_mapi2019 : 相片中看似可怕但真人非常搞笑。絕對有大姐大的風範。夢想達成後記得簽我做你合約藝人💞 . 大家看完簡介後如果喜歡佢哋嘅話記得點讚同追蹤佢哋🥰 . 么么哒 💋 . . . . . . . . #亞洲太平洋國際小姐 #missasiapacificintl #bff #friendship #friendshipgoals #reflection #kiss #reflective #girls #hkig #hkmodel #cute #instagood #instamood #l4l #followme #love #photography #shopping #luxury #artists #introduction

[Friendship] Me and my thin, cute, creepy friends ...