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關於typology的評價, Una Who

【最近說謊的書很火紅,所以人到底為什麼說謊呢🤔?】 心理學家 Timothy R. Levine 表示:我們都會說謊,而說謊的原因不盡相同,但不論是說實話還是說謊話,都是為了達成某個目標,一旦我們發現...

Today is my 27th birthday but somehow I still feel like i’m 18! I’m grateful to my Lord Jesus who renews my youth like the eagles and makes my flesh fresher than a child’s as I behold His glory in God’s word. Every time Moses entered the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle to converse with God, he would come out shining—God’s glory and life was imparted to him. This man Moses whom the Scriptures declare to be handsome, received the testimony that at the age of 120, his eyes were not dim and his moisture did not leave him. He was still able to climb a mountain by himself at that age! When it was time for him to die to fulfill the typology that the Law cannot bring you into the promised land, he couldn’t die a natural death from sickness or weakness, so God had to permit him to die supernaturally at an appointed place. What glory when your body is too full of resurrection life to die like everyone else in the world! Moses experienced a physical renewal of beauty, health, youth and strength every time he went into God’s presence, transforming from one level of glory to the next. This happens every time we behold Jesus’ glory in the Scriptures. Read more Biblical ways and reasons why your body can keep becoming “Beautiful, Healthy and Strong Like Jesus”: https://www.miltongoh.net/store/p17/beautiful-healthy-and-strong-like-jesus.html #Birthday #Jesus

Today is my 27th birthday but somehow I still feel...